Sometimes when browsing, I come across popula… 閱讀全文 Building a Mirror Docker Registry
分類: cloud
Cloud Rendering Adobe After Effects Video with Windows Docker Container
Since I run Newbie Homemade Mashup Lab, I always have video render needs for After Effects. When there are many videos, my personal computer will spend a lot of time rendering them. During this time, I cannot do anything else. So, I came up with the idea of Cloud Rendering. This article will guide you to build your own After Effects Docker image and ultimately try rendering on Azure App Service.
Azure Lab 01: Hide Your Public Connection From PaaS To Storage Account
Using PaaS resources in Azure brings convenience to dev… 閱讀全文 Azure Lab 01: Hide Your Public Connection From PaaS To Storage Account
How to ace Cloudera CCDH and CCAH in CDH4
大家好,我於今年 (2012) 六月時幸運地通過了 CDH3 版本的 Cloudera Certified D… 閱讀全文 How to ace Cloudera CCDH and CCAH in CDH4