簡易的比特幣錢包管理與公私鑰概念調查 (Bitcoin wallet management and basic keys/addresses survey)



I started to study blockchain recently and try to figure out concepts about the keys, addresses which related to the bitcoin wallet. Meanwhile, I also collect some methods to easily export/import the existing key pairs among different wallets and platforms. I want to share my experiences with you. And please leave me some comments if you have any question or have found some misleading information via this post 🙂


  1. 從比特幣客戶端錢包匯出公私鑰地址
  2. 經由各種不同加密演算法流程驗證金鑰與了解成因
  3. 建立客製化的公私鑰地址
  4. 將客製化公私鑰地址匯入錢包

This is the TOC and I only translate some of them since all the others are not essential part of this topic. And, forgive my weakness translation as usual…..

  1. Exporting the private/public address pairs from wallet
  2. Verifying address pairs to understand the calculation flow to the keys
  3. Creating the customized private/public address pairs
  4. Importing the customized private/public address pairs into wallet

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